OHCHR commends HRDs for constructive engagement to achieve the ultimate objective of UPR
Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) in their different thematic areas have been commended for by their relevant recommendations based on reports submitted to facilitate the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
During his presentation on the CSOs role in the implementation of UPR recommendations, Emmanuel Bryma Momoh working with OHCHR said Uganda has undergone the first, second and the third cycles of the UPR.
Momoh disclosed that 27th January 2022, Uganda reviewed 273 recommendations 139 accepted and 153 were noted.
He clarified that the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a mechanism of Human Rights Council (HRC) that started in 2008 to review human rights records and make recommendations to the state under review that will either support or note the recommendations.
“It is an opportunity for the state to be reviewed by the peers and it covers all human rights issues in all thematic areas” Emmanuel Bryma Momoh said.
He expressed that there is need for constructive engagement to achieve the ultimate objective of UPR of improvement of human rights situation in every country, with impact on lives of the people.
Momoh revealed that the work HRDs are doing is relevant since recommendations made during UPR is based on reports submitted or made by the Civil Society Organisations.
Momoh said that before the review, CSOs role is to encourage government to host a broad and inclusive consultation process which is an open dialogue through thematic areas.
“CSO in Uganda has not been siting, it is doing a good job and it is on record” Momoh added.
He urged the media and celebrities to make use of their status to popularize the impact of the UPR. “the more its resonated in the community, the more it is popularized helps the ministerial committees and government to act” Momoh asserted.
During the presentation, it was observed that the Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review subjects every state, with no exceptions, to the scrutiny for accountability and it recognizes that all members state can make improvement, and that the UN systems has responsible to support.