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UJK aims at addressing the climate challenges in the Rwenzori region by promoting inclusion, equity, and resilience in the face of a rapidly changing environment.  We do champion restoration of River banks, tree planting, proper waste management and community empowerment.

Sustainable Development Goal #13 – Climate Action– urges us to combat climate change and minimize its disruptions. Its targets focus on strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters, planning and management, education, mitigation and capacity building measures. While critical, the targets included in SDG #13 are alone insufficient to address the growing threat and impacts of climate change. Nature and climate are incredibly complex systems that cannot be understood in their parts. Accordingly, it is necessary to consider SDG #13 Climate Action together with #6 Clean Water and Sanitation; #14 Life Below Water; and SDG #15 Life on Land.

Through advocacy, collaboration and strategic partnerships, UJK seeks to influence an environment that prioritizes community actions and indigenous knowledge to address the impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities.


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