“When you wish good for others, Good things come back to you and vice-versa”
“When you wish good for others, Good things come back to you and vice-versa” that is the law of Nature..
Here having a short dialogue with Bisereko Rogers Muhindo aged 26 at the centre..
This young born talented youth’s story really caught me up and has challenged me that this world is not as everyone pictures it..
Born a normal child, enjoying life as any young man, joined a lot of dance groups both here and also in the capital city Kampala, did a lot of comedies too.. Now here stuck in the wheel chair!..infact his story makes one shade tears..

He says when he turned 20 after his daily schedules, rehearsals a strange deases attacked him at night that the doctors later on discovered that is called ( Transverse myelitis) that attacks the spinal cord and all his down body parts got parralised..he couldn’t be able to move his legs and everything got stuck..untill he wondered what to next…He says both his family, friends and many others have tried to do what they could to make him stand up again but all in vain..they have put in money moved him to all places around to see if this could be rectified..but no no nothing..very sad indeed..His story is very long..
At first I developed hatred to even people who were trying to help me, something small would piece me off..I hated even myself, looking back at the life I hard and how I had turned into? I couldn’t believe it was me,, asked God many questions, why me why me and why this happening to me But still nothing changed..until now that I have learnt how to live like this..I am now disebled and I have accepted this..
I am going through a lot of life challenges, something that you have not been used too, but finding yourself in..
He went ahead saying, the main challenge he is facing is the wheel chair itself, it is now very old and very small to him since the time he started using it, he has gained weight and he doesn’t feel any comfortable in it..he needs a new one if possible..he needs help, contact us for more info..